Do you offer any types of financing for your artificial grass?

Jun 10, 2019
Artificial Grass

At Metate Industrial Supply, we understand that investing in artificial grass for your outdoor space is a significant decision. We aim to make it more accessible to our valued customers by offering a variety of financing options tailored to meet your individual needs. With our flexible financing solutions, you can now transform your outdoor area into a beautiful and low-maintenance oasis without breaking the bank.

Why Finance Your Artificial Grass with Metate Industrial Supply?

1. Affordable Rates: Our financing options come with competitive interest rates, ensuring you get the best possible deal for your artificial grass installation.

2. Flexible Payment Plans: We offer flexible payment plans that suit your budget and preferences. Whether you prefer short-term or long-term financing, we have options available to accommodate your needs.

3. Quick and Easy Application Process: Applying for financing with Metate Industrial Supply is a seamless process. Simply fill out our online application form, and our team will review your information promptly. We strive to provide quick approvals, so you can start your artificial grass project without delay.

Financing Options Available

1. Installment Loans: Our installment loans offer a straightforward financing solution, allowing you to make fixed monthly payments over a specified period. This option provides you with predictable and manageable payments, making it easier to budget your expenses.

2. Line of Credit: A line of credit provides you with the flexibility to borrow funds for your artificial grass as needed. You'll have access to a predetermined credit limit, and interest will only be charged on the amount borrowed, giving you greater control over your expenses.

3. Special Financing Promotions: Metate Industrial Supply frequently offers special financing promotions to help you make your artificial grass dreams a reality. These promotions may include extended interest-free periods, reduced interest rates, or other exclusive benefits. Stay updated on our website or reach out to our friendly customer service representatives to learn about our latest financing offers.

Benefits of Financing Your Artificial Grass

1. Affordability: Financing allows you to spread the cost of your artificial grass installation over time, making it more affordable and manageable within your budget limitations.

2. Immediate Enjoyment: By opting for financing, you can start enjoying your new outdoor space immediately, without having to wait until you have saved up the full amount. This means you can make the most of your artificial grass throughout the year.

3. Increased Property Value: Artificial grass enhances the aesthetics and functionality of your property, potentially increasing its overall value. Financing allows you to make this investment without a substantial upfront cost.

4. Conservation of Resources: Financing your artificial grass allows you to preserve your savings or other financial resources for other essential expenses or investments.

Get Started with Financing Your Artificial Grass Today!

Ready to turn your outdoor space into a stunning oasis with artificial grass? Take advantage of our financing options at Metate Industrial Supply! Our team of experts is here to guide you through the process and help you find the perfect financing solution for your needs.

Contact us today to learn more about our financing options or to get started with your artificial grass project. We look forward to assisting you in creating the outdoor space of your dreams!

Adeel Humayun
Great financing options available!
Nov 12, 2023